I've been unfaithful with these posts so perhaps this is a reasonable topic to start posting with again. What does faithfulness look like? I have two reflections, one bourne of the data and one more personal in nature. Near the onset of the pandemic in the US (end of...
Cole Serfass (Student)
Denomination Specific Reports
We promised denomination specific reports, and we are beginning to roll them out! The first three reports are up now, the next three will be out shortly. Thank you so much for your continued participation!
Geographic and Denomination Specific Reports
We've been discussing with pastors what they might view as most beneficial for them regarding our efforts. One response that has emerged is a desire to understand patterns for churches similar to their own. As a result we've decided to begin working on geographic and...
Some Reflections on What We’re Learning
It's been just about a month since we launched the initial survey and we already have over 600 completed responses. To all who have participated, THANK YOU! We are the Church and we learn and grow together. Two brief reflections. The disruption in church attendance...
Welcome to the National COVID-19 Church Attendance Project!
"Are people going to come back to church after COVID?" This question served as the genesis for this project. It's a concern that seems to be shared by most pastors we've talked to. My name is Enoch Hill and I work as an economics professor at Wheaton College. My...