It’s been just about a month since we launched the initial survey and we already have over 600 completed responses. To all who have participated, THANK YOU! We are the Church and we learn and grow together. Two brief reflections.
- The disruption in church attendance patterns is astounding. Attendance went from 1-in-7 remote attenders to almost 6-in-10 at the peak. In person attendance dropped 60% and has also started to recover significantly. As a macroeconomist who studies movements in aggregate variables, it’s hard to underscore how unusual movements this large are.
- The church has adapted. While the adjustments have been largely involuntary, church pastors and staff should be proud of the work they’ve accomplished. 96% of responding churches have provided some form of remote access to church services. Online attendance has tripled, and while we are praying for a safe and full return to church as normal when the time comes, the work that has been accomplished over the past year should be recognized.
Thank you very much for the information provided